Our Vision and Mission

Indonesia is a nation with huge potentials, facing big challenges at the same time.

Looking for its own way between tradition and modernity, Indonesia’s diversity and complexity reflect general problems, which modern societies and the individuals in it have to solve. In the center of attention: how to deal with the need for continuous change in order to reach or obtain good living conditions, and: how to integrate this change successfully into individual life.

On this background, our vision is a courageously progressing Indonesia, taking advantage of new chances while protecting its heritage at the same time; a democratic, peaceful society worth to live in, valueing its diversity of people and understanding this as its most important resource for a prosperous future within the asian and global community.

As our mission we see to provide support on organisational and individual level, particularly for young professionals and future leaders, in order to contribute to a succeeding management of the challenges on this way into the future. Basis of our current focal point, Administrative Reform in the national and subnational governments, are the Millenium Development Goals and the Jakarta Commitment.

Pictures: perspectives on Indonesia’s Diversity by bluebag photography and Edharu.

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